// Strawberry Cupcake
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Big help from : Wani | WHI | C4U | Una

Rabu, 5 Mac 2014 | 1:08 PG | 0 Sweet Cupcake

Assalamualaikum. Annyeong-haseyo!

Dicember 2013 bear in mind forever. After sabah, this is my destination.i was so lucky

 because i can enjoyed the winter season . i thought it just a dream, but it became reallity 

babe! such a precious experiences i had. the view and that country damn beautiful with kind 

and friendly people there. fuckin amazing! no need to tell more. now, i leave you with my 

photos :) 


Rabu, 11 Julai 2012 | 12:45 PG | 0 Sweet Cupcake

Sometimes you want to say, “I love you, but…”
Yet the “but” takes away the ‘I love you’. In love their are no ‘buts’ or ‘if’s’ or ‘when’. It’s just there, and always. No beginning, no end. It’s the condition-less state of the heart. Not a feeling that comes and goes at the whim of the emotions. It is there in our heart, a part of our heart..
Eventually grafting itself into each limb and cell of our bodies. Love changes our brain, the way we move and talk. Love lives in our spirit and graces us with its presence each day, until death.

I say this to you now.I love you, with no beginning, no end. I love you as you have become an extra necessary organ in my body.
 I love you as only a girl could love a boy.
Without fear. Without expectations.
Wanting nothing in return, except that you allow me to keep you here in my heart, that I may always know your strength, your eyes, and your spirit that gave me freedom and let me fly.”


Sofaz - Hingga Hujung Pernafasan Langitku (with lyric)
Ahad, 28 November 2010 | 9:58 PTG | 0 Sweet Cupcake

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010 | 12:50 PG | 0 Sweet Cupcake

    Love is when they are your world...
love is when that person doesn't complicate your life but they compliment it. When no matter what they have on they still look amazing to you. When you are with them time seems to fly but when you are apart it takes forevr to see them again. When even though they have made you mad or have hurt you, you can't help but love them. How when you see them your stomach still gets butterflies and you begin to smile no matter what mood you are in. When they touch you, you get cold chills all over. When the hardest thing to do is to say good bye. When everytime you blink their face is all you see and everytime you day dream they are all you dream about. When someone can look at you and see love in your eyes. When you can be clear across the room from them and know the second they walk into a room. When you can be in the middle of a conversation with someone and just glance at them and all of a sudden time begins to slow down and it becomes just you and him and that's the way you want it to be. When reality becomes better then a dream and life seems to good to be true. That's what love is. It's the feelings you only experience in those special moments that are spent with the one you love.

Khamis, 28 Oktober 2010 | 11:54 PTG | 0 Sweet Cupcake
Jangankn lelaki biasa,nabi pun terasa sunyi tanpa wanita,
tanpa mereka,fikiran dan perasaan lelaki akan resah ,
masih mencari walau ada segalanya .
Apa yg tiada di dalam syurga??
Namun ADAM tetap rindukan HAWA .

Dijadikan wanita drpd tulang rusuk yg bengkok utk diluruskan lelaki .
TETAPI,seandainya lelaki itu sendiri tidak lurus ,
mana mungkin kayu yg bengkok menghasilkan batang yg lurus .

Luruskanlah wanita dgn jalan ILLAHI .
kerana mereka diciptakan sebegini rupa oleh ALLAH S.W.T .
Didiklah mereka dgn  panduan dari-Nya .
kerana lelaki adalah pemimpin buat wanita .

Jangan cuba jinakkan mereka dgn harta ,
kerana nantinya mereka akan liar .
Jangan hiburkan mereka dgn kecantikan , 
kerana nantinya mereka akan semakin derita .
Disitulah punca kekuatan dunia .

Akal senipis rambutnya ,
tebalkanlah ia dgn ILMU dari-Nya .
Hati serapuh kaca , 
kuatkan ia dgn IMAN .
Perasaan selembut sutera , 
hiasilah ia dgn AKHLAK yg mulia .
Suburkanlah ia , 
kerana disitulah nantinya mereka akan lihat 
betapa besarnya NILAI dan KEADILAN Tuhan .

Bisikkan ke telinga mereka , 
 kelembutan bukanlah satu kelemahan , 
 ia bukan diskriminasi Tuhan , 
 sebaliknya disitulah kasih sayang Tuhan . 
 Wanita yg lupa hakikat kejadiannya , 
 pasti tidak akan terhibur dan menghiburkan .

 mereka tidak akan lurus . 
 Bahkan , semakin membengkoklah mereka . 
 Itulah akibatnya apabila wanita tidak kenal Tuhan-Nya tanpa bimbingan lelaki . 
 Maka , tanggungjawab seorang lelaki adalah besar terhadap wanita .

Apabila wanita derhaka , 
 dunia lelaki akan huru-hara . 
 Lelaki janganlah mengharapkan ketaatan , 
 TETAPI binalah kepimpinan ke jalan ILLAHI .

Pastikan sebelum memimpin wanita menuju ILLAHI ,
PIMPINLAH dirimu pada-Nya .
Jinakkanlah diri pada ALLAH S.W.T ,
nescaya akan jinaklah segalanya .

Jangan mengharapkan isterimu semulia 
Andai dirimu tidak sehebat